Special Offers

Our special offers:


We are going outside with the kids every day and we plan special trips every month to different places such as the zoo, museum, theatre, police station, etc.


Every week we are going swimming with the children. Between the months of May and September we will be going to the “Freibad” in Botnang and during the winter months we will be going to the “Leuze”.


Every month will have a special theme. This way we will have different projects each month which can be based on the season or will be choosen independently. We would like to involve the kids into this decision as well.

 Additional Offers

Parents have the possibility to book additional activities for their children such as musical or sportive programs (e.g. ballet, karate, sports, etc.)

 Artist’s workshop

We offer a special art room / workshop where children can improve their artistic skills. Under supervision of a teacher the children learn how to use their fine motor skills and have fun at doing arts and crafts.


In our preschool the children start learning the alphabet and numbers as well as doing projects about nature, animals and culture in a very easy and stress-free way. Preschool work is optional for the students-to-be.



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